Thursday, November 19, 2009

delayed translation #win (or why it's so hard to buy tuna)

for the last 26 years of my life, i've only had tuna from a tin. i never wondered why. i kinda assumed it's cos we don't get it in the sea around here.

till one day a couple of weeks ago, mom made tuna curry, without telling me.

i loved it.

i asked her which fish it was.

i was told it's tuna.

i asked her where she got it from.

i was told it was from the local fish market.

i asked her how come she'd never brought it before.

i was told it's because she never know what's the local (marathi) word for tuna.

mom's been buying fish for atleast 40 years now.

all i could say was "now that you know what it's called, please buy it more often" :D

ps: the fish is called "kuupa" :)

1 comment:

DILLIGAF said...

kuupa vindaloo...I could eat that!!!

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